
Heat Pumps

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Air Source Heat Pumps

Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) are a type of renewable energy technology that can provide heating for homes and buildings. They work by extracting heat from the outdoor air, even in cold temperatures, and transferring it to the indoor space using a refrigerant circuit. 

This process can provide efficient and cost-effective heating, while also reducing carbon emissions compared to traditional heating systems. ASHPs have gained popularity in recent years as a sustainable and versatile alternative to traditional heating systems, and they have become an important component of the transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy future. 

A typical Air Source Heat Pump Installation could take between 3-5 days 

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Energy efficiency:

Air source heat pumps are highly efficient in converting energy from the air outside to heat your home, providing an efficient heating solution that can reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint.

Low maintenance:

Air source heat pumps have fewer moving parts than traditional heating systems, resulting in lower maintenance costs and reduced need for repairs.

Long lifespan:

Air source heat pumps have a longer lifespan compared to traditional heating systems, which typically last around 10-15 years. With proper maintenance, an air source heat pump can last up to 20-25 years or more.

Low carbon footprint:

Air source heat pumps have a much lower carbon footprint compared to traditional heating systems, as they rely on renewable energy from the air outside rather than burning fossil fuels. This makes them a more environmentally friendly heating option.

ECO4 funding available

Air Source Heat Pumps are just one of the energy efficient measures available completely free under the ECO4 scheme. To learn more and to see if your eligible visit our ECO4 page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is an air source heat pump?

An air source heat pump is a heating system that transfers heat between the outside air and the indoor environment, providing efficient heating for residential or commercial spaces.

How does an air source heat pump work?

Air source heat pumps use a refrigeration cycle to extract heat from the outdoor air in winter and release it indoors.

What are the benefits of using an air source heat pump?

Air source heat pumps offer several benefits, including energy efficiency, lower operating costs, reduced carbon emissions, versatility for heating, and potential eligibility for government incentives.

Can air source heat pumps be used in cold climates?

Yes, air source heat pumps can operate efficiently in cold climates. Modern heat pump models are designed to work effectively even in temperatures well below freezing.

How much energy can an air source heat pump save?

Air source heat pumps can provide significant energy savings compared to traditional heating systems, with potential energy reductions of 30% to 50% depending on the specific circumstances.

Are air source heat pumps noisy?

Modern air source heat pumps are designed to operate quietly, and their noise levels are typically comparable to other common household appliances.

Can air source heat pumps be used for both residential and commercial applications?

Yes, air source heat pumps are suitable for both residential and commercial applications. They can effectively heat and cool homes, offices, retail spaces, and other types of buildings.

For more information on commercial properties contact our partner company Smart Energy Business

How long do air source heat pumps last?

The lifespan of an air source heat pump can vary depending on factors like maintenance, usage, and brand. On average, a well-maintained heat pump can last 15 to 20 years or more.

Are air source heat pumps environmentally friendly?

Air source heat pumps are considered environmentally friendly as they use renewable energy from the air and do not emit greenhouse gases

If you cant find the answers you are looking for please contact our smart team and we will be happy to try and help. 

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